Monday, April 27, 2009

Wild Ways

Life is great, spring is in full bloom. Today I picked wild nettles from my garden and made pesto. It was yum, it had a lovely almost chewy texture but not quite. I thought about making it for a while but didn't hurry due to their stinging inclination, after looking through recipes on the net I learnt that they need to be blanched for a minute to take out the sting, umm then they wont be 'raw' I thought, but with the knowledge I have absorbed of late on alchemy and herbalism I know it can be very beneficial indeed to heat certain herbs as it changes their mineral structure and inhances and promotes their medicinial qualities.

So I blanched a small saucepan full of nettle leafs in boiling water for a minute then poured the saucepan into a collander held over another pan saving the boil water to drink for its nutrition,
I read it is a good tonic and its described as 'liquid gold'.
I let the nettles cool and drained anymore water, then put them in the food processor until combined with olive oil, hemp-seeds, garlic, fresh ground peppercorns and crystal salt.

I enjoy many varied activities and am in touch with what my bodys needs and wants regarding everything. I knew I needed make some new physical movements. I found Capoeria and went to a 4 hour workshop on saturday, I loved it. Capoeria came to Brazil from Africa in the 1800's, its a combination of fight, martial arts, music, cultural expression, dance, aerobic exercise and much more besides, its such fun its even called 'play' when people 'fight', tho there was no physical contact sticks were used for some of the 'fights'. We made music with some large hand-made instruments, also part of the Capoeria tradition.
It was Wild, I knew when we got started that it was for me because it was vigourous and challenging and yet so expressive, expansive, wild and free.
The beautiful people, dancing, exercise, expression, cartwheels, rhythm, music, fun and play made it enormonously enjoyable.Check it out its so suitable for a raw lifestyle, altho I don't think they were as health conscious as me, maybe I'll teach them a thing or two. The usual classes are for 2 hours, I'm going tonight.