Saturday, July 17, 2010

Galway Yay

I arrived in Galway yesterday.. Its nice to be home for a while, I'll stay for a week at least. I love being with my family, except our doggie died last week :( we had him for nearly 18 years! but in his last few days he barely even stand up so my mum took him to the vet to make it easier for him.. Mother took it worse then everyone else because she was closest to him, whilst everyone else moved out of the house she was always there with the doggie and vise versa.

There are lovely health shops in Galway, I like that they sell spiritual things and feel good stuff for the home and have very nice gifts ideas in there. I got that mirror on the left, the one like a sun.

Most of the shops in Galway are called Evergreen, there are about 5 of them spread around the city and county.. this one I was in today is in Maingard street in the city..

I love to visit them as they always have up to date stuff and the staff are usually friendly and helpful, I stayed in there for ages looking at books, picking angel cards & trying different creams :)

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